It´s the time to put the record straight and claim our Spanish character, don´t you think so?
That doesn´t mean to hide the obvious. The truth is we do like the time we take when the alarm goes off, but it doesn´t mean we are not efficient at work, “almost” always smiling. And if there is no smile, surely we will make fun about ourselves. We are that way, #SomosEspeciales (we are special).
We have great strengths, like our character, because a Spanish person leaves no one indifferent. Rightly or wrongly, we will always make a difference.
We live in our own way and we tend to carry around that artistic character that gives a picturesque touch to the adventures we find along the way. Our battles wouldn´t be battles if they were not starred by authentic, fun and gutsy people. And be sure, we might be criticized for being late at work, but the excuse we have will be worth listening.
We are race, character, art, passion, expression … We are many things and we like to live them in a unique way. Around a table, stage, sea sand, sunset, or “por bulerías”.
We are from here. We are Rives. #SomosEspeciales. (We are special)