Pink Rives

Pink Rives
The most traditional Premium gin, Rives provides a natural strawberry concentration from Huelva. The sum of these two important elements of quality gives an excellent result, being Pink an authentic Premium gin with the perfect natural strawberry flavor. This has certainly been very important in just one year of life; Pink Rives is the national leader in flavored gins with an unstoppable projection.
Designed to perform in snifter to preserve the essence with charm. It supports two options depending on the mixer. This way, it can be mixed with lemon-lime soda; providing an extra touch of sweet for ones who really like sweets, or it can be combined with tonic, but always have a distinctive natural strawberry flavor.

Tasting Note
Appearance: Pink, transparent and bright. Nose: Aromatic, clean, with botany hints perfectly harmonized from a Premium Gin. Taste: Sweet and fresh aftertaste with hints of juicy and sweet strawberries.